Actual Keylogger report

Total records in the report: 525

From [3/27/2018 5:57:04 AM] to [4/6/2018 10:32:43 AM]

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 Time 4/1/2018 9:15:15 PM
 Window Caption Document3 - Word
 Application Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE
 Username jcloudy

If only it wasa ere just a "apparir" of sheep. Rather than thousands of cshsheep we really have. You wanat to t to protest the police tht pat protect us, then en you want to protest the guns that protect us. We have to havI dont think many undertstand that ptorotection is a right. If you get rid of the police and get rid of the guns, then what are you planning to invite in?
 Time 4/1/2018 9:16:32 PM
 Window Caption Document3 - Word
 Application Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE
 Username jcloudy
Exactily. IOs s this the omovement being led on by rRussian, and other State-Level internet trolls. Are they they onehoping we destroy ourselves from within. ? If so, why?
 Time 4/1/2018 9:17:49 PM
 Window Caption Document3 - Word
 Username jcloudy
 Time 4/1/2018 9:20:58 PM
 Window Caption Document3 - Word
 Application Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE
 Username jcloudy

This is why. They know they cant 't tktake us in a fafight. EOur military is full of people who grew up around guns and are comfortable shooting them. Get rid of that and it erodes our abiliteties a little. . Not much, sba portion of our readiness. Now Perhaps that gives them enough edge against our young men to win, or to farrive on our shores. Well right now, as you can see from the quote above, they wouldnt consider it. Our insurgency whould ould put those in the middelle east to shame. We would organize and hit them with tsome of the hard. After traveling so far they would be spread thein and be easy pickings orfor our gun =-titoting patrioPatriots! But , disarm the populace nd and no matter h ow tireow tired they are when they arrive, they will have pleantynty of time to rest up while we hurl rocks an d and canned goods art them. Or while we hid in e in our houses and do as they say to avoid annihilation.
So you wanna take my guns?
 Time 4/1/2018 9:22:49 PM
 Window Caption Document3 - Word
 Username jcloudy
 Time 4/1/2018 9:25:58 PM
 Window Caption Document3 - Word
 Application Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE
 Username jcloudy
I'm yuouour Huckleberry. Just hod w is it you plan to make mkill me and take it when you prtotested the police our t of business and you took away all s and your outlaweare afraid of guns. ?
This will never stop. Once they outlaw guns, criminals will turn to knives, when will then . Then they will try to outlwaw toshose asw well. This is happending ing in the UK now. They want to already outlawsed guns, and now they want to outlaw the pocket knoivives. Then they Now they are going after free s[peepeech. by convicting of a comedian who of making a gjoke when his pug dog raised his paw to a TV show featuring footage of hitler. Hitler. He wasnt saying hitler was good. He was wsaying wow, look at mey evil dogl. . But the context didnt matter.
So stop saying it worked for the UK. Well if they Uwe agreed with everything they did, we would nt exist right now. S, we'd be part of them. still be a part of them.

 Time 4/1/2018 9:27:49 PM
 Window Caption Document3 - Word
 Username jcloudy
 Time 4/1/2018 9:32:49 PM
 Window Caption Document3 - Word
 Username jcloudy
 Time 4/1/2018 9:35:10 PM
 Window Caption Document3 - Word
 Application Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE
 Username jcloudy
Something must be done to show that signgun-free zones do not work. Will, and will never work. So I intend to break the law. Not with an assault rifle, but with a normal one. "asauBeacause thats what the criminals will do. No matter your laws, when they decide to act, they will. Drigugs have always been illegal, but that doesnt stop ppeople from getting drugs. Speeding is illega., but ist still , but people still drive fast. Fighting is illegalFraud is illegal, but greed is a strong motivator. S o I will be the lone wolf that helps demonstrate to the american erican Public that law s and signs wont't work. Only th ae ability to protect your self will work. The second Second Amendment was not "poorly written" it was was drafted just as they drafted by the same men who drafted the rest of the conConstitution. IAnd thehy no one is ocmplacomplaining about he ptoerotections and freedom it gives you. Especially the 1st amendment when ich allows you to spew your crazy gun-control thoughts. I
You will soon see wehen the blood has been shetd , what it means to be a tPatrio. t. Molon LAabe. I will be the he change. I will e be the revolutionary. I will be the history maker. I will fight. I will be the lone wolf. Lone Wolf. and the defenseless bodies stacked hight
WIllI will do what I must. No matter who is hurt, the death toll collateral damage will be worth it. bJim CloudThe Cloudy Mainnifesto
 Time 4/1/2018 9:35:27 PM
 Window Caption Save As
 Application Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE
 Username jcloudy
 Keystrokes  The Coloudloudy Manifesto
 Time 4/1/2018 9:37:00 PM
 Window Caption Desktop
 Application Path C:\Windows\explorer.exe
 Username jcloudy
 Keystrokes  c
 Time 4/1/2018 9:37:49 PM
 Window Caption S3 Browser 7-6-9 - Free Version (for non-commercial use only) - jcloudy
 Username jcloudy
 Time 4/1/2018 9:38:30 PM
 Action Closed
 Window Caption S3 Browser 7-6-9 - Free Version (for non-commercial use only) - jcloudy
 Application Path C:\Program Files\S3 Browser\s3browser-win32.exe
 Username jcloudy
 Time 4/1/2018 9:40:59 PM
 Window Caption OFFICIAL STATEMENT: Snake River Ranchers vs Federal Government | The Three Percenters - Original - Google Chrome
 Application Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
 Username jcloudy
 Keystrokes  drop
 Time 4/1/2018 9:42:49 PM
 Window Caption Choose the right Dropbox for you and your business - Google Chrome
 Username jcloudy
 Time 4/1/2018 9:47:02 PM
 Window Caption Home - Dropbox - Google Chrome
 Application Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
 Username jcloudy
 Keystrokes  box
 Time 4/1/2018 9:47:49 PM
 Window Caption S3 Management Console - Google Chrome
 Username jcloudy
 Time 4/1/2018 9:48:30 PM
 Window Caption Files - OneDrive - Google Chrome
 Application Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
 Username jcloudy
 Keystrokes  aws
 Time 4/1/2018 9:52:43 PM
 Window Caption Fairfax County Democratic Committee to Dulles International Airport - Google Maps - Google Chrome
 Username jcloudy

 Clipboard contents Fairfax County Democratic Committee, 8500 Executive Park Ave, Fairfax, VA 22031
 Time 4/1/2018 9:52:45 PM
 Window Caption Computer - - Gmail - Google Chrome
 Application Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
 Username jcloudy
 Keystrokes  dulles airport
public buildins in reston va
democrat building
reston virgiinnia democatic ratic party building

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